Full Traumatic Stress Program

4 Sessions - Full Traumatic Stress Program


Traumatic Emotions

The full program includes up to four sessions with the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) and the Emotions Management Process (EMP). In the full program, you will heal the emotions attached to traumatic memories from birth to the present. We will score you on a subjective neurological assessment screen, based on your experiences, before treatment and again two weeks post-treatment. Each session is 60-90 minutes depending on client needs and ability.

We will also attack the root cause of anxiety and release the emotions attached to anxiety.

Illustration of a stairway to Heaven in the sky
We will work to release emotions outside of anxiety and trauma, like anger, survivor guilt, grief, etc. These scores will be subjective units of the distress scale (SUDS) on a (0-10), with 10 being the most intense. The goal is to get them to 0; however, emotions are a bit different, so you must be willing to release the emotions.

Emotions that can be worked on are not limited to:

Anger, Rage, Resentment, Frustration, rejection, Abandonment, Dismissed, Sadness, Grief, Fear, Shame, Guilt, Survivor Guilt, Hurt, Unforgiveness, Self-Limiting Belief, Anxiety, Worry, Panic, Confusion and more.

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We know we’re promising a lot. But we’ve seen the results, we’ve experienced them for ourselves, and we want you to find lasting freedom, too. If you’re ready to experience emotional healing - or if you’d just like to know more - get started by scheduling your free discovery call with us today.



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